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The Depths

Writer's picture: Sarah BotticelliSarah Botticelli

Going into October 2024... we GET to ask ourselves: "what kind of a life do I truly want to live?"

Nothing is slowing down nor will it ever. This is the way of the world for the foreseeable future. Going into this Blog post (& all of my content... truly) I want us to fully grasp this. The "story" aka what we tell ourselves about ourselves & our reality IS our own & we can change the script whenever we want. WE are the writers, the mapmakers, the manifesters, directors, what EVER you would like to label IT as - we are it. Please (because a label is actually necessary in this human world) make it a strong label. Whatever you label yourself as - make it BOLD.

Today I am going to talk about the first week of October 2024, what is coming up Astrologically & what I recommend we all do going into the last (human) Q of the year.

Before we get started, we are in an Eclipse Portal so please:

REST REST & REST SOME MORE!! Take some serious pressure off. Holy gosh o golly gee this is INTENSE energy shooting through us. We are all hopping paradigms (more on that later) in our sleep & I feel as though I'm on a roller coaster of my own design yet I had NO IDEA how to make a roller coaster so its a wee bit bumpy but I made it anyways & I got on anyways. Be KIND to yourself this week & do not judge yourself based on productivity alone.

I love a good debrief...

Looking backwards into September 2024 I want us to ask ourselves:

  • what was I manifesting on 2 September, 2024 (the New Moon in Virgo)?

    • have I been VIBING as that version of myself (the true you)?

    • Has the world around me started to crack & crumble? This is a GOOD thing. Let the set walls fall so that the NEW paradigm can birth itself. From the inside out yet (now) outside in.

We can even go back into August 2024 & see what Rocky Montage we have really been in (you can go back into any "time" period that works for you here... I just feel as though we've been seeing light... or the authentic vibe as of late) & be proud of ourselves for even being IN it.

This is a life changing "time" period for us all (humans) & I am proud to stand with the Leaders. The ones who said to Source, God & the Human Collective: "I'll go first. I will change first & guide my community". In whatever arena you're in: trust it! I heard a channeler the other day speak of 2024 being the year that our souls calling started screaming at us. That the path was defined... even if we didn't think it was. We kind of found a bit of a niche... even if we feel niche-less... the VIBE is our niche. Does that resonate with you? Do you feel as though since January 2024 there has been ONE big ol theme for your life? What has it been? Does it match with your Astrology?

"What does THIS week hold Astrologically, Sarah?" Let me share what I am looking out for:

TWO big chances to have fresh starts! I love it! Monday (for me) is always a fresh start. The beginning of the month brings a new theme & Eclipse Season smashes our Soul back on track to its HIGHEST & greatest potential... aka into alignment.

I know I spoke of the word "back or going back" in a not so flattering light last week but when it comes to Eclipses (again, for me): if my SOUL has gone off course - dude PLEASE smash me back on track! I don't WANT to be off track! I would never want to be on a trajectory that is NOT my highest & greatest good. I wouldn't wish that for you either.

How can we utilize this energy? How can we harness it, Sarah?

My leaders, you might not like what I'm about to say here but I promise you... you'll thank me for it later: do nothing. Make NO big moves this week. No manifesting, no scripting, nothing.

JUST LISTEN. Talk to your VIPs & LISTEN. Have a dialogue, book a FREE CALL, talk to your mentor or coach, read a book, take a nap, cry cry cry, eat a snack, have healthy romantic encounters, journal, clean out a closet, throw things away, etc.

... you see the theme?

MAKE SPACE for the new to come in!

Next week (astrologically) brings BIGGER shifts (Jupiter & Pluto making moves) & the first week of November 2024 is our next (classic) New Moon - when we DO get to manifest (aka co-create WITH the God of our understanding). So... why fight the tides? We don't do that at the beach so why do it in our day to day? TRUST the God of your understanding to be holding you, carrying you INTO the next paradigm. The one that you work towards everyday with your thoughts, words, actions & intentions. Be IN what you're in & spend as much time resting, daydreaming, crying it out, working it out... releasing as you possibly can. CLEAN HOUSE & make space for what is coming!

... what if it's everything you've ever wanted & more?

I love that for you.

As always, SARAH


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